
Bot Profile Picture


BIL is the Breachers International League. This bot was created to assist in the operations of the league.

Client Testimonials

Client Avatar

"The bot is perfect, Dave included every feature that was requested, he made it fast and works like a charm. The bot makes the teams, adds players to the teams, disbands teams, and it even can ban players from making/joining a team. Thank you Dave you're the best"

- Synister | Server Owner



A user can make a team as long as they aren't banned from the league.

/invite (captain only)

A captain can send an invite to their team.

/promote (captain only)

A captain can promote a user to be another captain or down to just a member.

/kick (captain only)

Captains can kick/remove members from their team.


A user that's on a team can leave that team at any time.

/disband (captain only)

A captain can disband their own team.

/edit_team (captain only)

A captain can edit details of their team like: team name, and team logo.

/edit_team (admin only)

An admin can edit the details of any team.

/remove_player (admin only)

An admin can remove a player from their team.

/ban (admin only)

An admin can ban someone from the league (this does not ban them from the server).


Get the stats of a team.

/create_match (admin only)

An admin can manually make a match between 2 teams.

/gen_matches (admin only)

An admin can get the bot to create all possible matches between teams.

/submit_score (captain only)

In a match thread, a captain of either team can input the score and then both team captains need to confirm the score.

/force_score (admin only)

An admin can force a match score in the event that there is a stalemate.

Other Features

✅ Verify teams: Allows admins to accept or decline teams' entry to the league.

⏱ Player cooldown: After a player leaves a team they get put in a cooldown phase where they can't join another team.

🗑 Remove empty teams: If a team is unmanaged by having no captains, it gets removed automatically.

🏷 Team roles: Teams will automatically get roles associated with their team.

📢 Announce scores after score confirmed: Announces the scores for the match and who won.

📈 Team ELO management: Teams have an ELO rating for matchmaking purposes.

💬 Clever lines: The bot will react to events like new teams, people joining or leaving teams, and banned players.